Tuesday, February 19, 2008


The Quran mentions jinn (also spelled djinn) quite frequently. In addition to angels and man, God created the jinn, a race of sentient, free-willed, invisible beings who are also supposed to worship Him. Whereas man was created from dust, the jinn are created from a smokeless flame. See this for more information.

If the Quran is simply correcting and affirming the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospels, from where do the jinn come? As I said, jinn are mentioned frequently so they aren't simply a minor detail mentioned in passing. The Bible talks of angels and men but I've never encountered anything that I would interpret to be jinn.

The above Wikipedia article mentions that jinn were a part of pre-Islamic, Arabic folklore. Being that the never seem to be mentioned in the Torah, Psalms, or Gospels, it seems logical to me that they entered Islam because of their tradition amongst the Arab peoples.

Although the jinn don't seem to be of any major theological importance, their frequency in the Quran and the inconsistency with the Bible raises some concerns on my part. Had they been simply a passing thought in the Quran or mentioned at least once in the Bible, it would be easier to believe that they came from the same source.


Azooz said...

This subject is a bit touchy and requires two sentences beforehand:

1) a-Aooth Billah min alShaytaan alrajeem (a prayer to God for protection from )

2) Bisim Allah alRahmaan alRaheem
In His name - and also the four words of the nice Gif you have on your blog.

The same two line are to be read before you read any part of the Quran, it adds meaning to it.

Now for the rest - shortened to:

When the people of Iraq and Syria need an exorsist they do not go to Imams or other religous figures, instead they ask a Beduin they know. It's a bit of faith but language to. The original people who talk in tongues are posesed by "demons" aka jinn - and their language skill become higher. The men of faith know what words to use but the Beduins use them with more knowledge.

it is a great sin for any Jinn (demon) to have contact with humans, and those that do are considered bad (evil), or infidals. Same for humans, but in the Beduin case it is for a shared form of poetry called aabgary - this is a very complex and advanced for of fantastic poetry - like the "mad" paintings of the great masters - aabgary is also the city Arab word for geniues.

I have never had any contact with Jinn, but when one of my friends wants to actually see or hear one he goes to the places they frequent. We do have possesions, they happen infrequently and in remote places - there are also known people who can get rid of them fast and easy.

I do not belive in ghosts, spirits or little green men - but when the Quran mentions someting I take it for fact. Heaven and hell are mentioned in the Quran to - I belive that more than I could from other books.

The word Shaytaan means a powerfull class of demons aka Jinn, it's the origin of the word Satan (may God protect us) - in Islam alSaytaan (The Satan) is from the race of Jinn and in Christianity he is a fallen Angel - this is touchy difference and I do not argue it but belive the Muslim version. The theology of it is important but in any faith it is always wise to ask God to protect you from him - whatever his race.

The Quran talks to the main body of Jinn, those that avoide humans and live away from us - even those that like poetry.

Those people's that entered Islam early on were not originaly Arab, they became Arab when they spoke the language. This includes Egypt and the whole of North Africa, Syria, Iraq and the Middle East - the original Arabs were only the Beduins in Arabia. Islam also came to the Jinn and they decreased their contact with humans.

I once thought of going to the place were the Jinn hang out, it is much like those movies of a hounted house - my reason was curiosity more than faith issue.

Next Tuesday there is a million dollar poetry competion in Dubai - the favorite is Nasser al-Faraainah - he claims to have been possesed, and his poetry leaves no doubt that he'll win over 100s of other poets - true or not I'm sure his Jinn will not see a cent of it. The proof (for me) is when trully great poetry comes out of the mouth of a person who has never said any poetry before, like a normal person writing a great symphoney without any training.

Final point - in normal life humans can not see Jinn but they can see us but in the after life humans will see them clearly while they'll not be able to see us.

I mention poetry to avoide the dark subject of black magic - it's much the same becuase Jinn are involved in it but much less fun than poetry. The Beduin do know the words much better than the magicians, but have never had the temperment required.

If you need more information I'll try to find some exorsisim clips - we have them on public TV and I know some of the Beduin Imams involved.

This is a poet who claimed to be possesed by a Jinn called Nawara - I'm sure it's a pure lie, but lovely poetry and he might get a million from the attention:


the Quran has strict warnings to all Muslims about Beduins - the worst infidals and hypocrits - and the worst of the lot are the poets. When a person learns enough Arabic for the Quran it vastly out-classes them but with with only little Arabic those guys seem to make sence even with very dumb ideas.

Peace - and God protect and guide us all.

Courtney said...
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Courtney said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey there,

Thanks for responding to my comments. When I have time, I plan to go back and read through your posts to find out more about where you're coming from.

I will be the first to admit that I know VERY little about Islam and the Quran, although I'd like to know more. In this post, you said "If the Quran is simply correcting and affirming the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospels...". Do Muslims believe that the Quran corrects and affirms the scriptures of other religions? If so, I find that very odd. Or was that more your own thought? Just curious.

Azooz, feel free to chime in.


Azooz said...


A Muslim who does not belive in the Bible and Torah can not be considered a Muslim. They are both a major part of Islamic faith and both books are named in the Quran as the words of God so it beyond Muslims to dispute their hollines. The main changes are not mentioned, but most can be learned by comparing them to the Quran.

Creation for example is in the Quran as God not haveing let "them" witness the event meaning that "they" claimed to know what they did not know (lied or made it up) - so when secular people attack the holy books thru "creation" I ignore them and accept it as part of the Bible that was changed.

To correct any scripture of other relgions is rightly considered arogance and vainity - but the Quran claims that most were changed by people for their own goals, mostly political and financial - the Quran adds that this can never be done to the Quran - and it has been tried many times in the Arabic and much more in the translated versions.

>>Do Muslims believe that the
>>Quran corrects and affirms
>>the scriptures of other

Yes, and we bless those who belived in God before us (Muslims) in our five daily prayers. The Torah, Bible especialy and many other un-named books and scripts are mentioned in the Quran as being from God.

Searching For Truth said...


As Azooz already said, and I'm sure he knows better than I do as I'm learning as I go, the Quran verifies the authenticity of the Gospel, the Torah, and the Psalms (I'm not sure about the rest of the Bible, though.) However, unlike the Quran, the others are considered to have been tampered over time. When the Quran was delivered, it was memorized by so many people and written down that it was excellently preserved. I don't think there's a book in the entire Bible that can say the same; they all were passed down by word of mouth and there are multiple written sources that are all slightly different. If you ever read the introduction to a Bible, it will go into detail about what sources were used for the different books. Occasionally, older sources are discovered and more corrections are made, as was the case with the Dead Sea Scrolls.

In any case, Islam states that the Quran is God's final message to man. In it, God's desired religion was completed. The Quran corrected all of the mistakes that had man had introduced into the other messages and the Quran's message is guaranteed to be incorruptible.

Amel soname said...

get rid of evil devil jinn with the help of quran visit this link

unknown said...

Nasser Mohamed Al Yemeni: Expected Imam Mahdy announces :


Anonymous said...

Assalaam wu alaikum to all

Sorry but I am work and came across this blog. I just wanted to say about the Quraan being an affirmation of the Bible and Torah Yes this is true but only in their true unchanged form. These we believe have been changed and are not in Their true form anymore. Ask about the gospel of Barnabas from your priest and see what he has to say ? And when he answers ask yourselve who decided this ... As with regards to the jinn to my limited knowledge if they take the form of something they cannot do it perfectly for eg if they take the form of a man he might have to left feet.

May Allah enlighten us all
Was Salaam

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